Returned from yet another business trip just before Yom Kippur, caught up on stuff after the holiday.
So everybody keeps going on about the Plame-Wilson nonstory. Nebbich.
An Israeli gets a shared for his contributions to game theory. A hearty Mazal Tov to Prof. Aumann.
Meanwhile, the non-scientific Nobel Prizes continue their downward spiral. The one for Peace gets awarded to the ineffectual nuclear watchdog Muhammad el-Baradei (I take back "watchdog" after fierce protest by our family dog Dina, a Jack Russell Terrier bitch as feisty as she is smart :-)). And the Literature Prize, sigh, gets awarded to has-been author turned raving moonbat Harold Pinter. Okay, the Nobel Committee has a history of making bizarre choices for the Literature Prize (has anybody reading this even heard of Giosue Carducci, 1906 laureate?), Pinter did write a mean stage play in his younger years, but still... [UPDATE: while al-Ghardiyan parodies itself, The Times has a good laugh at Pinter's and the (ig)Nobel Committee's expense. And let's not forget Mark Steyn.]
And meanwhile in Germany, Schroeder has thrown in the towel. Angela Merkel will be chancellor of an uneasy coalition of her own Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats. Her party pays for her chancellorship by getting only six actual portfolios (plus a "Minister in the Chancellary" which sounds something like the Lord Privy Seal in England), compared to eight for the SPD. (David's Medienkritik has an overview of SPD ministers-elect and their positions.)
And finally, Bush seems to have shot himself in the foot big time with his nomination of Harriet Miers (pronounce: Meyers) for Supreme Court Justice. Best of the Web is just one of many generally pro-Bush sites that are both totally underwhelmed and all over the case. Mind you, I have no reason to believe Miers is anything other than qualified for the job, but if the rumor is true that Democratic senator Harry Reid suggested Miers to Bush as a candidate, then Sen. Reid is a worthy disciple of Macchiavelli...
PS: And UN official is dishonest tool is supposed to be NEWS?
PPS: Former French ambassador to UN arrested over role in UNscam.
P**3S: apparently the Oregon Supreme Court decided that live sex shows are "a protected form of expression". An editorial wonders aloud:
Say you object to a decision by the county commissioners and want to express your contempt. So you plant yourself on the courthouse steps, drop your pants and moon the county government, intending to do so for an hour a day all week. After the deputies haul you off and the court fines you for public indecency, do you think the Supreme Court would pat you on the back and congratulate you on your right of free expression, objectionable though it might have been?
Sadly, the non-technical Nobels seem to be turning into the exclusive providence of characters with a Left wing and anti-US worldview. I'm waiting for the day when Michael Moore gets the prize for literature.
Oh well, at least we still have the Economics prize.
Posted by: Shai | October 24, 2005 at 10:02 PM
Sadly, the non-technical Nobels seem to be turning into the exclusive providence of characters with a Left wing and anti-US worldview. I'm waiting for the day when Michael Moore gets the prize for literature.
Oh well, at least we still have the Economics prize.
Posted by: Shai | October 24, 2005 at 10:03 PM
Angela Merkel is part of the 'Directors' MI5 group and look at who pays the bills with these. She was put in after France and Italy had their problems and it looks like Germany caved into the Plame group pressure not wanting problems from that group.
Germans should enoy paying these peoples bills like England, that is what the group is all about, everybody pays for their running and that's okay.
Well, Vanity Fair is English and not German, so we assume they did'nt work too much with OSS. At least Sharon has'nt thrown in the towell and is starting a new party. Not a bad idea.
Posted by: Postea | November 22, 2005 at 09:20 PM