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« New ambassador on the block | Main | Iraqi constitution vote »

October 15, 2005



Sadly, the non-technical Nobels seem to be turning into the exclusive providence of characters with a Left wing and anti-US worldview. I'm waiting for the day when Michael Moore gets the prize for literature.

Oh well, at least we still have the Economics prize.


Sadly, the non-technical Nobels seem to be turning into the exclusive providence of characters with a Left wing and anti-US worldview. I'm waiting for the day when Michael Moore gets the prize for literature.

Oh well, at least we still have the Economics prize.


Angela Merkel is part of the 'Directors' MI5 group and look at who pays the bills with these. She was put in after France and Italy had their problems and it looks like Germany caved into the Plame group pressure not wanting problems from that group.

Germans should enoy paying these peoples bills like England, that is what the group is all about, everybody pays for their running and that's okay.

Well, Vanity Fair is English and not German, so we assume they did'nt work too much with OSS. At least Sharon has'nt thrown in the towell and is starting a new party. Not a bad idea.

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